Thursday, May 3, 2012

Popular Challenges Faced by Online Students

While online colleges offer a myriad of benefits, such as being able to study on your own time, remotely, and while working, there are a few drawbacks that many online students face. The most common problems are presented below, along with solutions to counteract them.

1. Procrastination- As online college students are expected to be self-starters, procrastination, a problem that affects many of us, can get in the way of reading materials, or handing in assignments on time.

Solution: Counteract this with discipline. The easiest way to exercise this skill is with a plan.

2. Lack of Solution Supervision- No one will be breathing down your neck, per se, to get things done. Online lecturers will likely schedule assignments, timelines and course materials to exercise. Conforming to this schedule is entirely up to you.

Solution: As mentioned earlier, a plan of action turns daydreams into reality - one step at a time. By assigning portions of assignments and studying daily, you will avoid last-minute panic.

3. Lack of Interaction- Face-to-face interactions between students and professors are limited, as well as group learning with classmates.

Solution: Make use of forums, discussion boards, and online meetings offered by most online colleges, to get to know lecturers or others in your group.

4. Learning Style - If you're an auditory learner, meaning you absorb more when information is vocally presented, you might have challenges with distance learning, as most course material and exercises are presented on paper. According to a study conducted by the Education Resource Information Center, a student's personality type, in terms of learning, is a strong indicator of online student success.

Solution: Some online colleges will include an archive of video lectures. Speak to a counselor to determine the best way to access these files. You can also tape live lectures or podcasts on your computer for future use.

5. Balance - Finding time for other activities besides work and study can be difficult with limited time.

Solution:To fit work, school, family and social life into 24 hours, without stress, there are numerous resources for time management planning. A time plan allows students to digest manageable amounts of each activity into their day. Popular resources include Google Calendar, Doodle, or even the Microsoft Outlook Calendar.

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